I'm pretty sure that you have heard a story called 'Rapunzel', this story is true one and the lady in this story is not named Rapunzel. Her name was Barbara. Just like Rapunzel, she was locked in the tower by her father. During this time, the new religion Christianity were growing popular.
Barbara stayed in the tower for years. She used a basket on a rope to get her washing and food. When her father started sending suitors of his choosing, Barbara had already lost all desire to get married.
Barbara discovered the new faith one day when a stranger placed a book in the basket. Barbara became unwell because she yearned to learn more about Christianity. Her father summoned a doctor, but in his panic, he neglected to inquire about the type of doctor who had arrived. He was a physician of the soul, a priest, in actuality. Barbara was baptised and asked a lot of questions of the priest. Shortly thereafter, the father had to go away from their home on a journey. The father had to leave their house soon afterward and embark on a voyage. Barbara requested that a third window be added to her tower by the workers who worked on the estate. They obeyed since she was the daughter of their employer. Barbara informed the father that she had become a Christian and that she wanted three windows to serve as a constant reminder of the three names of God when he came back and inquired about the significance of the third window.
Her father admonished her to give up her new beliefs or perish. He betrayed her to the Roman authorities after she refused, and they tormented her until she was forced to abandon her beliefs. They attempted to humiliate her by presenting her in public while she was nude. The angels brought a beneficial fog that veiled her totally. They eventually gave her father the order to murder her. He made numerous horrifying attempts to take her life, but each time she reaffirmed her faith, she slipped to safety and grew more radiant and holy. At last, he seized her stunning long hair and severed her head.
Bright flames shot out of her body at that same instant. The father was slain by lightning that struck him a moment later. Her name is called for protection against lightning in prayers due to the destiny of her father.