Worshipping an idols is bad idea. An idol is an object that is made from human's hand and worshipped as god. In ancient time, people believed that their idol is consider sacred. So why the Bible is against it? Well for a starter, is not worshipping what is truly divine, and instead worshipping symbol instead. Is like getting married, but never spend time with your spouse, because you spend your time with the photo.
When Moses climbed on Mount Sinai to talk to God in the Book of Exodus, He told him that never worship an idol.
The Bible said that the idol have eyes but cannot see, ears but cannot hear, nose but cannot smell, mouth but cannot talk. Anyone who made and trust, will become helpless as the idols.
In case you are wondering what about Catholic Church as they have imaged and statues of Jesus, Virgin Mary and saints. People prayed to them. Isn't that idolatry. Some Christians say yes, that's why some Protestant churches don't have these things. But to Catholicism, it's not idols, its an icon. There's a big difference. An icon is place, where prayer can be focused. It's hard to say if it's idol or not.
What about Hindus? They also have imaged and statues of gods and goddess. To their religion, to them, it's no. To them, God is everywhere and is present in everywhere.
I don't have a statue and image of Jesus, as I don't need it. Instead I can pray with all my heart, soul and mind.