One of Jesus Christ's closest pals was Lazarus. Indeed, it is said that Jesus loved him. Lazarus' sisters informed Jesus that he was unwell, saying, "Lord, the one you love is sick." Jesus waited two more days after receiving the news before travelling to Bethany, Lazarus' hometown. Jesus was not in a rush because he knew he would perform a tremendous miracle for the glory of God.
Lazarus had already been dead for four days in the tomb when Jesus arrived in Bethany. Martha went out to greet Jesus as soon as she learned that he was approaching. "Lord," she replied, "if you had been here, my brother would not have died."
Martha heard Jesus say, "Your brother will rise again." Martha, however, believed he was speaking of the last resurrection of the dead.
Jesus then uttered these vital words: "I am the life and the resurrection. Whoever lives and believes in me will never die; and he who believes in me will live even in death."
Following that, Martha went to inform Mary that Jesus desired to visit her. Jesus had not yet made his way inside the hamlet, probably in an effort to avoid attracting attention to himself and agitating the multitude. The Jewish officials were scheming against Jesus in Jerusalem, which was not far from the town of Bethany.
Mary was deeply grieving the loss of her brother when she first encountered Jesus. She was accompanied by sad and crying Jews. Jesus shared their sorrow and shed tears with them.
Jesus then accompanied Mary, Martha, and the other mourners to Lazarus's tomb. There, he requested that the stone covering the hillside burial site be removed. "Lazarus, come out!" was Jesus' final prayer to his Father as he raised his face to heaven. Jesus instructed the crowd to take off Lazarus's burial garments after he emerged from the tomb.
It was a miracle!