Have you ever heard of Medusa, from Greek Mythology? In this story, she was beautiful with hair of hissing snakes. Her beauty lured the men. But every time they saw her eyes, they turned into a stone.
Not just that, there are also some characters like the evil queen from the story 'Snow White and the seven dwarfs' the evil queen disguised herself as an old woman and went to the dwarf's cottage, where her step-daughter is alone. She gave her, an apple. Snow White ate it and fall down dead.
The big bad wolf from 'Little Red Riding Hood' where the wolf came to her grandma's house who was sick and waiting for her granddaughter, he swallowed her and wore her clothes and spoke like an old lady. Little Red came to her house and was shocked that the wolf had ate her (she didn't know that first).
If you want to learn what happened next, you can read the story.
This reminds me of Satan. Satan is ugly, but he can turned into something beautiful. Don't be fool by the looks. Some people disguise to trick others and we should be careful.