King Nebuchadnezzar, the one who built that huge statue and threw those poor men into fiery furnace. After he threw them, he saw one more. It was God! He came to understand the power of God.
This story take place after that. Good old King Nebuchadnezzar still had some lessons to learn.
One night he had a dream. He had dreams a lot and he didn't understand them a lot. So he did what he did last time and called Daniel to interpret.
"Daniel." He cleared his throat "There was this cool bullet train and it was sliver and fast. But then a guy came in and he was yelling all like, burning this train. And then he started rambling on about how some guy came in and got wet from the dew and he started rambling on like with the mind of an animal. So what does it mean?"
Daniel responded "King. This is bad. That bullet train, that's you. The guy that came running in that is the messenger of the Lord. The burning of this train that means you're going to lose your kingdom and you're going to go cuckoo. But it's okay you'll get your kingdom back after a really long time." Then he gave him a warning "You got to stop sinning or this is going to happen."
Year goes by and he was on his best behaviour. But one night he was out looking at his kingdom and he was like "My kingdom's so great and it's so great because I am so great." You see his biggest sin was his pride. He thought that he was the great one but really he should have known that it was God that was great.
But then the voice came down from Heaven "King Nebuchadnezzar. You remember that dream coming true in three, two, one."
The king goes mad. He thought he was an animal and he wandered into a field. He lived in the wild for seven years like a cow and ate grass for breakfast, lunch and dinner. Yuck!
After seven years finally he looked up from his cud and saw heaven and his sense were restored and he praised God.
So with the king's saintly restored his people found him and took back to the palace and he returned to his normal self, little less proud.