Verses 1-2: The opening line of the chapter emphasises how, in the past, God used prophets to speak to people in various ways. But via His Son, Jesus Christ, God has communicated with us in these final days. This highlights how much better Jesus' revelation was than the prophets'.
Verse 3: It describes Jesus as the perfect embodiment of God and the brightness of His glory. All things are sustained by His mighty word. Jesus completed His redeeming work and demonstrated His authority by sitting at the right hand of the Majesty in heaven after atoning for sins.
Verses 4–14: These verses go into further detail on how much better Jesus is than angels. The author demonstrates that Jesus is the Son of God—a title that angels have never been granted—using multiple allusions from the Old Testament. Angels worship Jesus, who possesses an everlasting throne and a sceptre of righteousness. While Jesus is the eternal King, angels are portrayed as ministering spirits sent to assist people who will inherit salvation.
According to Hebrews 1:1–14, Jesus is the fullest revelation from God, more so than the prophets and angels. Jesus has finished the task of salvation, reflects the glory of God, and upholds everything via His word. Since Jesus is the eternal Son of God and rules with power and righteousness, angels are servants.