Iran and the United States are not friend. This wasn't always this way. How the bad blood started.
Back in 1951, Iran was a rising nation starting, a path to democracy, thanks to a new leader named Muhammad Mossadegh. The guy with a smile. It's weird seeing an Iranian leader smile. Because normally when you see Iranian leaders, they always have that angry look on their face.
Mossadegh was incredibly popular in Iran, and for one major reason. Before him, Great Britain controlled Iran's oil fields for decades. He kicked the British out. The British did not like that.
Britain and Iran were feuding, and both of them turned to America for help. Iran asked America to help protect their democracy, and Britain was like "Hey yo, America, do you want oil?"
And America was like "Yeah."
Iran asked the U.S. for help, and then U.S. overthrows them using CIA. Is like Iran called 911, and the cops came and shot them with their guns.
And till this day, Iranian people are still mad about the U.S. toppling its government. And what made Iran even angrier is how easy it was for America to do it.
America overthrew Iran's democracy for just $60,000. After America overthrew Iran's government, the relationship has never been the same.
In 1979, Iranians had a revolution and took American hostage for over a year. In the 1980s, America supported Saddam Hussein in his war against Iran. In the 2000s, Iran gave Iraqis weapon to use against Americans.
Worst of all, the biggest insult is when America made a movie 300. Don't forget, Iranians are Persians and so America basically made a movie where Iranian looked like it want ripped everyone.
There you have it. But will Iran and America continued to hate each other? Or will they learned to be friends and forgive each other for their mistakes from the past?