A 14 years old girl named Shanti lived in New Delhi with her parents. One day her parents decided to find a husband for her. When Shanti heard this, she was not happy, but she did not have the courage, as she obeyed her parent's command.
Next day was her wedding. She was married to Prabal. There was music, singing and dancing. Everyone was happy, apart from Shanti. She hid in her heart.
But the joy didn't last long, as her husband died in a car crash. Shanti was sad. Her parents and parents-in-law were devastated.
Shanti's jewelry like necklace, earring, nose ring and bangles were taken out. They wiped the bhindi from her forehead and poured the water. She wore a white dress.
Her parents blamed her. But Shanti stood up and said "I didn't kill my husband. You forced me to get married. I don't want to get married while I am still a child."
"Then what will you do?" her father asked
"I will study and work hard. I will either become a prime minister of India, an astronaut or anything."
Her parents thought that she would achieve nothing, but they were wrong. Because after she finished her education, her dream came true. She became an astronaut and travelled through space. She was happy. Soon everyone, even her parents saw this on the news and were happy.
She did get married to Balarama at age 26 and a daughter named Rani and unlike her parents, she didn't force her to get married at the same age that she got married to Prabal.