After being driven out of the Garden of Eden, Adam and Eve had two sons: the older was named Cain and the younger, Abel. As they grew to manhood, Cain worked with the ground, planting gardens and growing food. While his brother Abel cared for herd of sheep.
One day, Cain brought an offering to the Lord of fruit that he had grown. Abel did the same expect he brought of the first born of his flock the very finest of all his herd. And it came to pass, that the Lord God showered favour on Abel's offering, pleased that Abel had brought his very best.
But upon Cain's offering, God did not show pleasure.
When Cain realized this, he became very angry.
"Cain, why are you so angry and why do you look so downcast? If you do what's right, you will have peace. But if you don't, sin will overtake you and it will rule over you therefor you must fight it."
Hearing this, Cain became even more displeased, and turning away from God, he went in search of his brother to speak with him. And when they were together in the field, Cain became enraged. Overcome with jealousy because of the favour God had shown his younger brother, he turned upon him in fury.
It was later that day, when he nervously tilled the ground that God called out to him. "Cain! Cain, where is your brother Abel?"
"My brother? I do not know! What am I? My brother's keeper?"
"WHAT HAVE YOU DONE? I hear the voice of your brother's blood crying out to me from the ground!"
Cain knew he was caught. Having been found guilty of killing his brother Abel, he shuddered as the Lord God proclaimed his punishment. "Now you are cursed and banished from the very ground which received your brother's blood by your hands. From this day forth, you work the ground, but it will not yield food.
You shall roam the earth a fugitive and a wanderer."
"No! No, please, Lord. This punishment is more than I can bear. You have driven me from my home, and I will be hidden from Your presence. And it surely will happen that anyone who find me will kill me."
"No one will harm you for I will set my mark upon you, that no one take your life. For whoever would slay you, would be punished seven times greater."
So Cain left the presence of the Lord that day and settled in the land of Nod, which was east of Eden.
As time passed, Eve gave birth again. Rejoicing at the birth of her third son, she exclaimed,
"Cain took the life of Abel, but see now, how God has given us another child in his place. We shall call him Seth."
Once Seth came of age, he also married and had a son named Enos. And they honoured and worshipped the Lord God.
Adam and Eve, living long lives, had many more sons and daughters.
After settling in Nod, Cain also took a wife and had children. Eventually, he built a city and raised livestock. As his family grew, they learned to play musical instruments, while others became craftsman, forging tools in bronze and iron.
These were the early generations of mankind, which the Lord God created. And the earth was populated with their sons and daughters.