In Florida, USA
Narrator: Emily was reading a book called 'The Maze Runner' in her living room, when she heard a musical noise coming from her phone.
Emily: (Picked up the phone) Hello?
Rebecca: Emily it's me, Rebecca. You might want to turn on the TV.
Emily: Why? (Picked up the remote and turned on the TV)
News Anchor: And we got breaking news for you. Two woman went to the court, and one of them declared that the baby son is hers. The judge doesn't know them very well. Billy, my good friend, tell us what is going on so far.
Narrator: Billy is a journalist and right now he's in the court.
Billy: Thank you good sir, a browned hair woman named Dora said that she and the black haired woman named Charlotte had two infant sons, but last night, Charlotte rolled her baby on purpose and he died. Charlotte denied it.
Emily: I do hope the judge will get it right. The DNA test is the answer
Narrator: But the problem is, the judge doesn't have the DNA test answer. So she came up with a clever idea.
Judge Julia: Ladies. (Getting up from her seat while holding long blue ribbon and put it on the floor shaped like circle) Dora put the baby in the middle of the circle. Charlotte who will hold the baby's hand and Dora, you will hold his arm. Pull. It will be over when one of you give up.
Narrator: So Dora held his arm and the other held his hand. They pulled it harder. Less than minute later, Dora let go.
Dora: I cannot!
Charlotte: (Standing up) I won (picked up the baby)
Judge Julia: I don't think so. Give the baby to Dora
Charlotte: But...
Judge Julia: That game was just a test. Dora is his real mother as true mother doesn't want her child to suffer.
Charlotte: (Angry face) fine (giving the baby in Dora's arm) you won (heading outside, away from the court)
Emily: The case has been solved (turned off and back to reading book)