Henry: Hello I'm Henry
Max the monkey: And I'm Max
Henry: Welcome to Bible Glory Games
Max the monkey: Today it's The Towel of Babel.
Round one
Henry: Q1. The descendants of Noah settled in a place known as Babel and decided to build a great city with a tower that “reached to the heavens.” Why did they want such a tall tower? A)To make a name for themselves, B)To watch for enemies approaching, C)To be a pagan temple or D)To be a temple of God?
Max the monkey: Q2. What did God say when He saw the tower? A) “My Spirit will not contend with man forever, for he is mortal; his days will be a hundred and twenty years.”, B) “If as one people speaking the same language they have begun to do this, then nothing they plan to do will be impossible for them.” ,C) “I will wipe mankind, whom I have created, from the face of the earth.” or D) “Two nations are in your womb, and two peoples from within you will be separated.”?
Henry: Q3. What did God do to the inhabitants of Babel? A) He destroyed them with fire and brimstone. ,B) He destroyed them in a great flood. ,C) He caused a great famine to punish them for their sins. or D) He confused their language and scattered them over the face of all the earth.?
Max the monkey: Q4. What became of the tower of Babel? A) It was rebuilt and became the leaning Tower of Pisa. B) It was knocked down and replaced with a temple of God. C) It was destroyed by an earthquake. D) It was abandoned.?
Round two
Henry: Q5. The Tower of Babel was built to reach the heavens by a united humanity. True or false?
Max the monkey: Q6. God destroyed the Tower of Babel. True or false?
Henry: Q7. The Tower of Babel story explains why people speak different languages. True or false?
Max the monkey: Q8. God created different ethnicities at the Tower of Babel. True or false?
Henry: Q1 is A. Their desire to establish a connection between the world and the gods' domain prompted them to build a city featuring a ziggurat, a mud-brick stair structure. But God stepped in and scattered them, perplexing their language, so that the tower came to be known as Babel. According to some academics, their intention was to storm the heavens and bring about divine retribution. In the end, their conceited ambition collided with what God had planned for humanity.
Max the monkey: Q2 is B. It reflects God’s recognition of the unity and ambition of the people in building the tower of Babel. However, He subsequently confused their language and scattered them across the earth to prevent their collective power from achieving anything they desired.
Henry: Q3 is D. This divine intervention prevented their ambitious project and led to the dispersion of humanity across different regions, resulting in the diversity of languages and cultures we see today.
Max the monkey: Q4 is D. After God confused the language of the people and scattered them across the earth, the ambitious project was left unfinished, and the tower stood as a testament to human pride and divine intervention.
Henry: Q5 is true. The people who settled in Babel aimed to construct a tower that “reached to the heavens” as a symbol of their unity and ambition. However, God intervened by confusing their language and scattering them across the earth, preventing their ambitious project.
Max the monkey: Q6 is false. God did not destroy the Tower of Babel. Instead, He confused the language of the people and scattered them across the earth, leaving the tower abandoned as a testament to human pride and divine intervention.
Henry: Q7 is true. The Tower of Babel story in the book of Genesis explains the origin of different languages. According to the narrative, God confused the language of the people who were building the tower, resulting in their dispersion across the earth. As a consequence, diverse languages emerged among different groups, leading to the linguistic diversity we observe today.
Max the monkey: Q8 is false. The Tower of Babel story does not specifically mention the creation of different ethnicities. Instead, it explains the origin of diverse languages.
Henry: Thank you for playing with us
Max the monkey: We hope that you had a great time and you will join us again
Both: (Waving their hands) take care! See ya!