Henry: Hello I'm Henry
Max the monkey: I'm Max
Henry: Welcome to Bible Glory Games
Max the monkey: Today topic is Jesus
Round one
Henry: Q1. Who gave the order for Joseph and Mary to travel to Bethlehem for the census A) Herod the Great, B) Caesar Augustus, C) Pontius Pilate or D) Tiberius Caesar?
Max the monkey: Q2. Where did Joseph, Mary, and Jesus live? A) Jerusalem, B) Nazareth, C) Bethlehem or D) Capernaum?
Henry: Q3. What kind of labour did Joseph, the father of Jesus on Earth, perform? A) He was a fisherman, B) He was a carpenter, C) He was a tax collector or D) He was a shepherd?
Max the monkey: Q4. When Jesus gave His first teachings in the temple, how old was He? A) Eight years old, B) Ten years old, C) Twelve years old or D) Fifteen years old?
Henry: Q5. How much time passed before Joseph and Mary realised Jesus was nowhere to be found? A) One day, B) Two days, C) Three days or D) Four days?
Max the monkey: Q6. By whom and where was Jesus baptised? A) In the Sea of Galilee by John the Baptist, B) In the Jordan River by John the Baptist, C) In the Nile River by John the Baptist or D) In the Red Sea by John the Baptist?
Henry: Q7. Which three temptations did Satan provide to Jesus? A) Turn stones into bread, prove His divinity, worship Satan, B) Turn water into wine, heal the sick, raise the dead, C) Turn stones into gold, walk on water, multiply food or D) Turn stones into bread, prove His divinity, gain political power?
Round two
Max the monkey: Q8. Jesus was born in Nazareth. True or false?
Henry: Q9. Jesus turned water into wine at the wedding in Damascus. True or false?
Max the monkey: Q10. Jesus performed the miracle of walking on water. True or false?
Henry: Q1 is B. The Roman emperor Caesar Augustus ordered the census, which compelled people to register by going back to their home cities.
Max the monkey: Q2 is B. Joseph, Mary, and Jesus lived in Nazareth, a town in Galilee.
Henry: Q3 is B. Joseph was a carpenter by trade.
Max the monkey: Q4 is C. Jesus was twelve years old when He amazed the teachers in the temple with His understanding and answers.
Henry: Q5 is C. After the Passover festival, Joseph and Mary realized Jesus was missing and found Him in the temple after three days.
Max the monkey: Q6 is B. Jesus was baptized by John the Baptist in the Jordan River.
Henry: Q7 is A. Satan tempted Jesus in the wilderness with these three challenges.
Max the monkey: Q8 is false. Jesus was not born in Nazareth, but rather in Bethlehem. According to the Gospel of Luke, Jesus was born in a stable in Bethlehem while Mary and Joseph were there for the census.
Henry: Q9 is false. It was at the wedding in Cana of Galilee, not in Damascus, that Jesus worked the miracle of turning water into wine. The Gospel of John contains a record of it (John 2:1-11).
Max the monkey: Q10 is true. Jesus reportedly walked on water during a storm on the Sea of Galilee, according to narratives found in the Gospels. When Jesus appeared to His disciples on the water, they were startled and astonished (Matthew 14:22–33).
Henry: Thank you for joining and playing with us.
Max the monkey: We hope that you did well and join us again
Both: (Waving their hands) Catch you on the flip side.