Dinosaurs is a species that lived million years ago before they were wiped out, mostly by an asteroid. After that it was our kind's turn. Did any Biblically stories mentioned dinosaurs even though they went extinct, or they are part of this story?
This is my guess. I might be wrong. Maybe Adam and Eve were send to Earth after Dinosaurs have died, because if they arrived during the dinosaurs' era, they will be eaten by them, probably by T-rex.
It doesn't used the word 'dinosaurs' instead it used a Hebrew word for 'tanniyn' which is translated a few different ways in our English Bibles. Sometimes it's sea monster. It's mostly translated to dragon.
There are numerous verses suggest that these prehistoric creatures were part of God's creation.
In the Book of Job, one of the oldest books in the Bible, references to whales and other sea creatures are made and some believe this could also include descriptions of dinosaurs. Due to their size and strength as described in the Bible, some theologians have suggested that Behemoth mentioned in Job 40: 15-24
In Isaiah 27 one also mentions Leviathan which is thought by many to be another reference to a large creature like an ancient reptile.
Maybe they do exist in the Biblically era.