The Bible makes frequent use of the metaphors of light and darkness. I'm sure you've heard of "walking in the light," but if you're anything like me, you may not have understood the true meaning of it. It is possible to walk in complete darkness while doing "good things," or to fall short and still be in the light. Walking in the light is a result of Jesus, not just our actions.
It's common knowledge that abstaining from sin is a necessary component of walking in the light, but truly, living in the light simply entails walking with Jesus. He makes our sins evident while simultaneously guiding us in the right direction and teaching us what to do. When our sin is revealed, we frequently decide to walk in darkness by either trying to hide it and act as though it never happened or by trying to come up with justifications for why our sin isn't all that horrible—or even by saying that it's actually a good thing. Rather, we should confess our transgressions to Jesus, who will forgive us and assist us in becoming better people, whenever we sin—and we will.
1) If you drop your mom's plate and it break. What would you do? Would you hide it? Would you tell her?
2) Who is the only one that can see and watch everything we do, even if we try do it in privacy?