Narrator: Did you realise that God still chose you despite your disobedience to Him? It is better to obey Him the first time, but He will give you another chance. similar to Moses. The narrative begins shortly after Moses frees his people from Egyptian slavery. The Hebrew populace begins to grumble.
Lady Hebrew: Moses. We're incredibly thirsty outside. How come you allowed us to perish in Egypt?
Moses: Don't worry. I will speak about God. Good?
Hebrew Lady: You make a valid point.
Moses: Lord, where am I supposed to give water to these crazy people?
Lord: Speak to the stone.
Moses: So water will flow from the rock if I speak to it? Look good to me.
Lady Hebrew: Moses. I assumed you discussed God. And there's no water in sight.
Moses: (using his staff to smash a rock) MOSES SMASHED! (Moses handed her a water bottle) Here's your pretty water.
Lady Hebrew: Regards. Have you got any carbonated water? It tastes a lot better than regular water.
Moses: (Giggling maniacally at her)
Hebrew Lady: You know what? We love water. Drinking water is something I adore.
She went away
Moses: (Puts his hands together) Lord, I'm going insane over these folks.
The Lord: Speak with the rock, as I instructed.
Moses: You're right. However, it functions.
Lord: You have disregarded me.
Moses: I didn't intend to defy the Almighty. I was just furious.
Lord: Quit offering up such justifications.
Moses: Do you have any justifications? See these folks, do you? They were unappreciative even after you offered them water. It was really one error. I should have listened to You, wait. The next time, I won't do it.
I love it.😍