James: Hey Anne, wife of mine. Here's the money (giving the piggy bank to her).
Anne: Wow husband of mine. We're rich! James: Well, not really. We did say we were going to give to the church
Anne: Bummer. I mean praise the Lord, but bummer
James: We could give half to the church and keep the rest of it
Anne: Awesome husband of mine. We will be rich. The church will be rich. But...
James: But what?
Anne: But what if we don't want to tell that we're keeping half of the money. We want to be generous. We don't want to look cheap.
James: Good idea wife of mine
James: Hey Peter my friend, here's all the money (give him a piggy bank)
Peter: (Shaking the piggy bank) all of the money?
James: Yep.
Peter: All?
James: Yes
Peter: James, you're not lying to me?
James; I am not
Peter: Let me finish this. You aren't lying to me. You're lying to God
James dropped dead
Peter: Anne. Did your husband bring every penny?
Anne: Yes every penny
Peter: Every single penny
Anne: Yes
Peter: This is so lame. The Holy Spirit knows everything
Anne: Everything?
Peter: Yes. Those two men out there has come to take your husband's body to be buried. Is your turn.
Anne dropped dead