Little children
From all around the nations
With different religions and culture
Are happy as always
With smile on their face
Everyday they are growing
I hear them laughing
I hear them crying
I see them playing
And jumping on the puddle
They are so fun
Bright as the sun
They giggle with joy
For every boys and girls
Their parents and teachers
Took great care for them.
Little children
Had lovely face
With chubby rosy red cheeks
Sparkling eyes
Soft red lip
Pretty and gentle voice
I see them rolling down
On the grass
I hear them splashing
One day
They will grow
Just like their parents.
One day
They will leave their childhood
But they will never leave
Their memories of their childhood.
And they can share to their children
And their grandchildren
The children are swinging on the swing
Their minds are fill with wild imaginations
Every night
Their parents kiss them goodnight
They hold their teddy bear
And start to dream
Little children
Are swimming in the pool
They are eating cool ice-cream
They are so fun
That's why they are loved.