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Writer's pictureikra tokeer

Jesus is the most popular

Set in New York

Narrator: A young teenage girl named Jasmine is one of the most popular in the world. That what she thinks. One day she brought the mirror. But this mirror isn't like the normal one that we have, it's magic. And it can talks. Every single day, all the time, Jasmine would ask the mirror who's the most popular of them all. The mirror would responded that she is the most popular.

Jasmine and her younger brother Lucas are playing chess

Lucas: It's your turn

Jasmine: Yes. Just hold on. (Looking at the mirror) Mirror mirror on the wall. Who's the popular of them all?

Lucas: Again?

At high school, during English literature class

Mr. Fossil: Jasmine, can you please give the books of classical poem to everyone?

Jasmine: Just one moment. (Looking at the mirror). Mirror mirror on the wall. Who's the popular of them all?

Mr. Fossil: (Slaps on his forehead) oh dear.

Narrator: Even during night time

Jasmine: Mirror mirror on the wall. Who's the popular of them all?

Jasmine's mother: We're trying to sleep

Narrator: The mirror was pretty annoying.

Morning time, weekend, after breakfast

Jasmine: Mirror mirror on the wall. Who's the most popular of them all?

Mirror: People like you. That's true. But Jesus is way more popular

Jasmine: Wonder.....wait who's this Jesus? And why's he's popular that me?

Mirror: Because he's the King and he performed miracles.

Jasmine: Where's he? I'm going to bring him an apple and when he take one bite, he will fall into deep sleep and I'll be the most popular of them all.

Mirror: He's in heaven now. He lived 2000 years ago. You can't cast a spell on someone lived more than 100 or 1000 years ago.

Jasmine: (Growling sound)

Mirror: Please don't smash me.

Jasmine: I'm not going to smash you. But I'm going to put you in the Attic. (Took the mirror to the Attic and left it there)

Walking in the street

Jasmine: How do I become to most popular? The mirror did said that he performed miracles. I haven't performed a single miracles. (Hearing a voice). I don't recongise that voice. This voice is coming from near the bus stop. (Going near the bus stop and saw a lady). Hello Madam. I heard you speaking. What is it?

Keira: I was talking the most popular person.

Jasmine: Let me guess. Jesus?

Keira: Correct. You know him?

Jasmine: All I know that he's the king, lived 2000 years ago and performed miracles. I just learned that this morning after breakfast.

Keira: Yes he's amazing

Jasmine: I don't know much of him. I want to be way popular than him

Keira: But you will get to know him. You don't have to be popular. Just ask someone.

Narrator: Jasmine remembered the mirror's answer

Jasmine: Yes. I will ask. Thanks.

Jasmine returned home and took the mirror from the Attic and took it to her room

Jasmine: Okay. Mirror mirror on the wall. I'm not the popular of them all. Jesus is, as you have said early. Please tell me more of him.

Mirror: I'm glad you're back. Jesus is also God that came to Earth as a baby. Even before he was born, there was a prophecies in the Old Testament. He died on the cross for us. You can read the Bible.

Narrator: So everyday Jasmine would asked the mirror about Jesus. She brought the Bible. She doesn't have to be worry about not being popular.

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