Cain and Abel was the first sons of Adam and Eve and the first to be born on Earth. Cain was the first person to murder his own brother.
When the kids grew up, Cain became a farmer and Abel became a shepherd. One day they brought an offering to God. Cain brought his crops and Abel brought his sheep. God accepted Abel's gift but he didn't accept Cain's gift. Cain got very angry. So angry, that he killed Abel.
Cain's respond to God was complete failure: anger, resentment and lashing out. Cain is mad at God and takes it out on Abel. What did Abel do? Nothing.
God warns Cain that either he can control his anger or let his anger control him.
After the murder, God asks Cain, where is his brother. He famously replies "Am I my brother's keeper?" Many Bible scholars point out that the Hebrew word for keeper generally implies to control or have authority over. Cain wasn't his keeper. Cain wasn't called to be his keeper, Cain was called to love his brother.
Love your sibling!