Henry: Hello there I'm Henry
Max the monkey: I'm Max
Henry: And this is Bible Glory Games
Max the monkey: Today topic is Idols
Round one
Henry: Q1. Name Elijah had this god’s prophets put to death when they failed to produce a thunderstorm. A) Chemosh, B) Molech, C) Dagon or D) Baal?
Max the monkey: Q2. What is the name of a god, the national of Moab? A) Molech, B) Baal, C) Dagon or D) Chemosh?
Henry: Q3. What is the Hebrew name for a god of the Ammonites who is sometimes identified with the other Ammonite deity on this list? A) Dagon, B) Molech, C) Baal or D) Chemosh?
Max the monkey: Q4. Sumerian vegetation god whose cult mourned at the Temple gates according to Ezekiel. A) Tammuz, B) Baal, C) Dagon D) or Chemosh?
Henry: Q5. Paul found an altar to this god in Athens, which he took as a sign of their superstitiousness and as an opportunity to preach the Gospel. A) Zeus, B) Hermes, C) Apollo or D) Athena?
Max the monkey: Q6. Canaanite fertility goddess worshipped at sacred groves and wooden poles (or the poles themselves). A) Asherah, B) Anat, C) Ashtoreth or D) Baal?
Henry: Q7. Edomite god of thunderstorms whose name mostly shows up in theophoric names, such as Ben-_____, king of Damascus. A) Hadad, B) Chemosh, C) Baal or D) Molech?
Max the monkey: Q8. Patron god of Babylon. When Paul and Barnabas healed a crippled man at Lystra, Barnabas was mistaken for this god. The local priest hung wreaths at the city gates for him. A) Jupiter, B) Mercury, C) Mars or D) Saturn?
Henry: Q9. Philistine god whose temple at Gaza was destroyed by Samson. A) Dagon, B) Baal, C) Molech or D) Chemosh?
Max the monkey: Q10. Philistine god in the Old Testament, but identified in the Gospels as the prince of demons in whose name Jesus was accused of expelling demons. A) Beelzebub, B) Dagon, C) Molech or D) Chemosh?
Round two
Henry: Q11. Idols can be anything that we put before God in our lives. True or false?
Max the monkey: Q12. Worshipping false idols is a direct offense against God. True or false?
Henry: Q13. An idol can only be a carved statue. True or false?
Max the monkey: Q14. The Bible explicitly advises against following idols other than God. True or false?
Henry: Q15. Idols can include money, possessions, power, and success. True or false?
Max the monkey: Q16. Paul found an altar to a false god in Athens, which he used as an opportunity to preach the Gospel. True or false?
Henry: Q17. Samson destroyed the temple of the Philistine god Dagon in Gaza. True or false?
Max the monkey: Q18. Beelzebub was a Philistine deity mentioned in the Old Testament. True or false?
Henry: Q19. Chemosh was the national god of Moab. True or false?
Max the monkey: Final question. The Bible explicitly forbids making idols or worshipping false gods. True or false?
Henry: Q1 is D. In 1 Kings 18, the prophet Elijah challenged the prophets of Baal to a contest on Mount Carmel. They were to call upon their god to send fire to consume a sacrifice. When Baal’s prophets failed, Elijah called upon the true God, and fire came down from heaven.
Max the monkey: Q2 is D. Chemosh was the god worshipped by the Moabites. The Bible mentions Chemosh in various contexts, including as a rival deity to the God of Israel.
Henry: Q3 is C. Baal was a common term for various Canaanite and Ammonite deities. The Ammonites also worshipped a god known as Milcom (or Molech), who is sometimes associated with Baal.
Max the monkey: Q4 is A. In Ezekiel 8:14, the prophet sees women weeping for Tammuz at the entrance of the Temple in Jerusalem. Tammuz was a Sumerian deity associated with vegetation and fertility.
Henry: Q5 is A. In Acts 17:22-23, Paul encounters an altar dedicated to an “unknown god” in Athens. He uses this opportunity to proclaim the Gospel and explain that the true God is not an idol made by human hands.
Max the monkey: Q6 is A. Asherah was a prominent goddess in Canaanite religion. She was associated with fertility, nature, and sacred groves. Her worship often involved wooden poles (Asherah poles) erected in her honor.
Henry: Q7 is D. Molech was a god worshipped by various ancient Semitic peoples, including the Edomites. His worship involved child sacrifice, which the Bible condemns.
Max the monkey: Q8 is C. In Acts 14:11-13, the people of Lystra mistook Paul and Barnabas for gods after they healed a crippled man. They called Barnabas “Zeus” and Paul “Hermes.” Mars (Ares in Greek mythology) was associated with strength and power.
Henry: Q9 is D. Samson, in Judges 16:21, brought down the temple of Dagon in Gaza. However, Dagon was a Philistine god, not Chemosh. Chemosh was the god of the Moabites.
Max the monkey: Q10 is A. Beelzebub (also spelled Beelzebul) was a Philistine deity mentioned in the Old Testament. In the New Testament, Jesus was accused of casting out demons by the power of Beelzebub (Matthew 12:24). However, Jesus refuted this claim.
Henry: Q11 is true. Idols can indeed be anything that takes precedence over our relationship with God. It’s not limited to physical statues; it can include anything we prioritize above our faith.
Max the monkey: Q12 is true. The Bible explicitly warns against idolatry, emphasizing that we should worship the one true God and avoid false gods or idols.
Henry: Q13 is false. Idols can take various forms, including physical statues, but they can also be intangible things like money, power, or fame.
Max the monkey: Q14 is true. The Bible consistently warns against idolatry and emphasizes exclusive devotion to God.
Henry: Q15 is true. Anything that becomes more important to us than our relationship with God can be considered an idol.
Max the monkey: Q16 is true. In Acts 17, Paul encounters an altar dedicated to an “unknown god” in Athens and uses it as a starting point to share the Gospel.
Henry: Q17 is true. Samson’s act of destroying the temple of Dagon is recorded in Judges 16.
Max the monkey: Q18 is false. Beelzebub is actually associated with Satan or the devil in the New Testament, not a Philistine deity.
Henry: Q19 is true. Chemosh was indeed the god worshipped by the Moabites.
Max the monkey: Q20 is true. The Ten Commandments include a prohibition against making and worshiping idols.
Henry: Thank you for playing with us
Max the monkey: We hope that we will see you again
Both: (Waving their hands) Bye
Game ended